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Incest AWARE

The Incest AWARE Alliance includes a number of trained survivor and supporter speakers ready to share their stories and educate your community on the importance of incest prevention, intervention, recovery, and justice.


We have speakers who offer talks with secular, scientific, social, and spiritual approaches, as well as in various languages. We recommend paying speakers for their time and emotional labor. However, some speakers may be interested in doing so pro bono.  Rates can be determined by reaching out directly to the speaker below.


*Please, note that all speakers represent themselves and their organizations, not Incest AWARE. We simply gather all anti-incest speakers onto one page for ease of accessibility. 

Incest Survivor Speakers

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Jane Epstein


Jane Epstein is a sibling sexual trauma survivor, the founder of Complicated Courage, as well as the co-founder of Incest AWARE and 5WAVES. She shared her story on the TEDx stage. Book Jane for talks on child-on-child abuse, as well as survivor advocacy.


Josephine A. Lauren


Josephine A. Lauren is an author, activist, and the co-founder and community organizer of Incest AWARE. They are an adult-on-child incest survivor by multiple family members. Book Jo. to speak about systemic gaps and reforms, recovery, and community building for the

anti-incest movement.

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Dr. Lori Pitts


Dr. Lori Pitts is a 3X sexual abuse survivor, including at the hands of a family member. She is also the founder of Still Whole Wellness, a coaching organization that offers individual and group healing circles. Book Lori for survivor healing and advocacy, especially within Black

and brown communities.

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Diane Tarantini


Diane Tarantini is a dynamic communicator speaking and writing primarily on the topic of child safety. As a survivor of child sexual abuse, a body safety educator in the state of West Virginia, and an author, blogger, and journalist, Tarantini researches the topic to know what threats to kids are trending and how to deal with them. 

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Keith Addison Tyler


Keith is a survivor of childhood sadistic sexual abuse perpetrated by his father and his friend.

He has served as a moderator in the online forums of, a facilitator of the men's support group LA MaleSurvivor, and a public speaker on the topic of male survivors and C-PTSD. He wrote and performed a stage show, “Trying To Be Normal Is Driving Me CraZy!”.


Kelly Wallace


Kelly Wallace is a survivor of incest and has been an advocate for other survivors of childhood sexual abuse for seven years. Kelly offers speaking engagements on the following topics: PTSD, testifying in open court against perpetrator, writing, self-care and healing modalities, parental alienation through the legal system, and recovery from alcohol and drugs.

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Donna Jensen


Donna Jenson is an activist, author, playwright/performer, and founder of Time To Tell. She’s been on her healing path as an incest survivor for four decades. Book Donna to speak about survivor healing through the arts, building relationships and community with survivors, perform her play, What She Knows, or show her documentary Telling Is Healing.    


Nubia DuVall Wilson


Nubia DuVall Wilson is an entrepreneur, published author, and sexual abuse prevention advocate and speaker. She is a sibling sexual abuse survivor. Book Nubia to speak about parenting and marriage as a survivor, generational trauma and family dynamics, especially for BIPOC communities.

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Maria Socolof


Maria Socolof is a sibling sexual trauma survivor, author, speaker, founder of,

and co-founder of 5WAVES, Inc. She shared her story in her memoir, The Invisible Key: Unlocking the Mystery of My Chronic Pain. Book Maria for talks on the intersection of chronic pain and trauma, sibling sexual trauma and abuse, as well as recovered memories.

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Alice Perle


Alice Perle is a sibling sexual abuse survivor living in Australia and the author of Resolve: A Story of Courage, Healthy Inquiry and Recovery from Sibling Sexual Abuse. 'Resolve' is essential reading for all social workers, counsellors, mental health specialists, and anyone personally affected by this hidden taboo.
Book Alice for your podcast, radio show, or as a panel member.

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Gloria Masters


Author. Speaker. Founder: Gloria Masters is the woman behind the Global hand signal for under 16’s to protect children from sexual abuse. She is also the founder of Handing the Shame Back, a charity, YouTube channel, and podcast dedicated to adult survivors of child sexual abuse. She has written three books, runs events, and does public speaking.

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Brinn Langdale


Brinn Langdale is a sibling sexual abuse survivor, a California licensed therapist, writer, speaker and host of the Wholistic Approach to Healing podcast. She’s also the founder of Wholistic Approach,

a transformational coaching program focused on healing the whole you. 


Nicole Braddock Bromley


Nicole Braddock Bromley is an advocate, activist and survivor of child sexual abuse. She has authored 4 books, produced 2 films and is co-host of the OneVOICE Podcast. In 2014, she founded a non-profit OneVOICE4freedom that stops child sex slavery around the world through prevention education and care for the world's most vulnerable children and families. For more than two decades Nicole has traveled extensively as a voice of awareness, prevention, hope and healing to some of the most vulnerable populations around the world, as well as to some of the most prestigious universities, companies and conferences. 

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Amira Y. Trevino


Amira Y. Trevino is a therapist, researcher, author, and trainer. Currently, she is a PhD Candidate in Counseling Psychology and is conducting research on multiracial survivors of child sexual abuse. She is a multiracial, multiethnic incest survivor. Book Amira to speak about survivor healing in oppressive contexts, especially those that target multiracial and BIPOC (or BIMPOC) survivors. Examples of topics include self-care, relationships, spirituality, accessing the authentic self,

and mental health.

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Mal Wrenn Corbin


Mal Wrenn Corbin was born in Worcester, MA and after a turbulent childhood, went on to be a first-generation college graduate of Dartmouth College. After receiving her BA at Dartmouth, she went on to earn her MA in Education at Boston College. Today, Mal works as a business development professional for a leading financial services firm. Along with her husband and twenty-year-old son, she lives in Duxbury, a bedroom community nestled between Boston and Cape Cod, along the Massachusetts shoreline.

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HuNia Bradley


HuNia V. Bradley is the dedicated Executive Director of the Sexual Assault Advocacy Network (SAAN), a forthcoming nonprofit organization committed to empowering survivors and ending abuse. With a profound belief in the principles of restorative justice, HuNia advocates for healing and reconciliation within communities affected by sexual violence.

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Danielle Carpio


Dani Carpio is an advocate, writer, speaker, incest survivor, and the founder of the Healing and CPTSD Foundation. She is on a mission to bring awareness to topics that aren't talking about, help others know they are not alone, and make the world trauma informed. She is also an EFT and Tapping practitioner and loves to help others learn this tool to help take control of their emotional landscape.


Babs Walters


Babs Walters is on mission to raise the voices of other survivors and family secret keepers through facilitating journal workshops, oral histories and anonymous sharing. By navigating the healing process together, we discover that our voices matter, our stories are valid, and we are not alone.


Danielle Carpio


Dr. Donna Bulatowicz is a survivor of educator sexual abuse and child-on-child sexual abuse. Although the abuse by her teacher temporarily derailed her dream of becoming an educator, she reclaimed it and has experience teaching elementary and middle school, as well as undergraduate and graduate courses. She provides sexual abuse education and prevention training for aspiring and current teachers.


Risa Shaw


Dr. Risa Shaw is a survivor of sibling sexual abuse/incest. 

Risa is an educator, leader, and activist. As a (now retired) Professor of Interpreting and Linguistics at Gallaudet University she mentored students, confronted institutional racism and homophobia, and focused her research on power and privilege. Her doctoral work examined disclosure stories of deaf and hearing survivors of sibling sexual abuse having told family members about the abuse.

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Heidi Yewman


Heidi Yewman is an advocate, author, and documentary filmmaker. She’s best known for her first book, Beyond the Bullet, and her international award-winning film, Behind the Bullet, both of which explore the impact of gun violence on individuals and communities. As a survivor of child sexual abuse and domestic violence, she’s driven by a commitment to reducing trauma and gun violence while promoting public safety.


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Michael Skinner


Since 1993, Michael’s uplifting and heartwarming story and songs of hope and healing have impacted thousands of people throughout the country. His presentations at colleges, universities, high schools, mental health centers and conferences, churches, civic groups, sexual assault and domestic violence support centers and conferences, including a women’s correctional center in Hawaii, are highly acclaimed. He has appeared on many TV, radio, and Internet shows and has been the subject of many news articles regarding child abuse and mental health. He has worked with organizations nationwide to address the stigma of mental health and end the silence of child abuse and suicide.

Incest AWAREness Experts


Susan Osborn


Author, speaker, and scholar, Susan Osborn is a critically acclaimed author of multiple books, essays, and articles. Her latest work, Incest & Power: A Manifesto (currently on submission), examines the ordinary institutional arrangements that keep us from seeing the prevalence of incest. She is a frequent speaker at universities and literary societies. Book her for talks on the past and present medical suppression of incest, the language of sexual violence, female shame, the historical disordering of women, or her novel, Surviving the Wreck.

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Jenny Coleman


Jenny Coleman, LMHC has been working in child welfare for 30 years; as a clinician, educator and advocate. Her background has been steeped in community and relationship based approaches, grounded on non-violence and trauma-informed models. In 2011, she joined Stop It Now! as their Helpline Director, and now serves as their Director, overseeing a national child sexual abuse prevention program. She presents globally; training individuals and youth serving organizations in primary prevention. She serves on the prevention committee for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), and is a board member of the National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse.

A therapists helps a family incest survivor.

Learn how to prevent family incest, as well as the causes and consequences of sexual abuse in families.

Heal after family incest

Learn how to heal after family incest and connect to organizations to support you in your journey.

Support a family incest survivor.

Learn how to support a family incest survivor through crisis, intervention, and recovery.

Connect with community to end family incest.

Connect with a community leading a movement seeking to end sexual abuse in families.

Incest AWARE Resources

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